Check out our speech program here.

What is ABA?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy grounded in the science of learning and behavior. Behavior analysis helps us understand how behavior functions, how it is influenced by the environment, and how learning occurs. ABA therapy applies our knowledge of behavior to tackle real-life situations. Its aim is to promote positive behaviors and diminish harmful ones, which can hinder learning or lead to stigmatization and exclusion from peers.

ABA Therapy

We offer holistic, developmentally appropriate, highest quality ABA and Speech & Language services to youth ages 2-22.

Our high-caliber and talented team of Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs) are overseen by our elite BCBAs while undergoing continual training to maintain the highest level of professionalism and expertise.

Each program is specifically tailored to meet the developmental needs of the child. Our programs are designed to foster dynamic and flexible thinking, facilitate meaningful relationships with peers and family, develop independence and self-advocation, and teach life skills.

Our Services

Our experienced team of BCBA, BCaBA, RBT therapists, and Speech & Language therapists are proud to offer several types of services, which are customized to your child’s developmental needs. We adhere to a collaborative team approach with you, outside service providers (SLPs, OTs, PTs), and your child’s school.








Customized Treatment

Customized treatment. No two children are alike; we LOVE that! Our developmentally appropriate ABA and Speech approach focuses on creating and implementing an individualized plan to close skill deficits and improve each child’s strengths.

Our team at Unique Pathways is available to serve your family at our safe and friendly centers or in the familiar environment of your home with full-time, part-time, and after-school options.

​Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy services at Unique Pathways allow our trained BCBAs and BCaBAs to partner with each family in the following ways:

Develop Core Life Skills

Emotional Regulation

Practicing the ability to control one’s emotions in a high-stress situation.

Social Development

Practice reading body language, facial expressions, conversational turn taking, active listening, and peer engagement.


Learn to use + understand both verbal and non-verbal communication techniques.

Independence and Self-Regulation

Practice self-help skills, manding, and develop the necessary skills to become independent from others.


Learn strategies to filter out distractions and successfully complete tasks within a specified timeframe.


Gain skills in asking for help, clarification, while learning to enforce and recognize how to set boundaries with peers.

Develop Core Life Skills

Emotional Regulation

Practicing the ability to control one’s emotions in a high-stress situation.


Practice reading body language, facial expressions, conversational turn taking, active listening, and peer engagement.

Emotional Regulation

Learn to use + understand both verbal and non-verbal communication techniques.


Practice self-help skills, manding, and develop the necessary skills to become independent from others.


Learn strategies to filter out distractions and successfully complete tasks within a specified timeframe.


Gain skills in asking for help, clarification, while learning to enforce and recognize how to set boundaries with peers.


Parent engagement with the care team and at-home reinforcement of concepts is critical to a child’s success. Your child’s care team will work with you to develop a custom curriculum plan. Weekly coaching is required for our parents to continue lessons at home to maximize intervention treatment. Full transparency and communication are an integral part of our partnership; therefore, parents have full access to all our data, and are communicated a daily basis through our encrypted texting system.


Our Therapy Spaces

Our therapy is “hidden” in play! Our spaces feature developmentally-appropriate, thematic-play elements throughout. Indoor & outdoor, fine & gross motor, music, friends, toys, games… your child will love making their way around the bright, colorful, clean, KID-FRIENDLY therapy rooms.

The Early Childhood Center

Ages 2-7

Tea party for 2!

Our lil artist's creations!

Kid-friendly, happy spaces here!

Adventure room!

Inside our Community Room

Our friends love being in the Community.

Inside our Construction Zone

Graffiti room is calling all rocker kids!

Jungle room!

Inside the jungle room

Jungle room toys

Sports room!

Under the Sea in our Underwater Room

The Intermediate & Adolescent Center

Ages 8-22

Learning thru play? Yes, please!

The teen lounge room

Bright, sunshiney spaces to learn and grow!

Subliminal messages? Maybe. gorgeous therapy spaces? Definitely.

Have a spin!

Can't have a bad day with these guys looking over your shoulder!

Puzzle time

Wanna race? Who says teens can't have fun with toys!


Parent Coaching

Engaging parents with the care team and reinforcing concepts at home are essential for a child’s success. Your child’s care team will collaborate with you to create an individualized treatment plan. We emphasize the importance of weekly parent coaching to carry over skills at home and enhance intervention treatment. Open communication and transparency are fundamental to our partnership; parents can access our data and receive daily updates through our secure texting system.


Our Clinical Team works alongside your child in environments where extra support fosters their success. While school is a typical setting for this partnership, we are also available to assist your child at practice, lessons, and more.

Social Skills

We partner with families to help their children reach their full potential in social situations. We aim to cultivate virtuous citizens who can develop lifelong social and emotional skills and build meaningful relationships. While most professionals only teach the how, we also teach the why. This approach promotes a deeper understanding of the skills involved. Whether discussing social scenarios with a therapist (“What could you say if…”) to prepare for life’s curveballs or actively engaging in social time at our center, your child’s therapist will be by their side to help interpret, engage, and ultimately enjoy future social interactions more.

Exceptional Therapy Rooms

Our therapy rooms are designed to be developmentally appropriate and sensory-friendly, creating a warm and inviting space for your child. We truly believe that therapy works best when children feel happy and motivated to connect with their therapists. With our themed rooms, your child will discover delightful décor, fun games, and exciting learning experiences all around them!